Vysoká gramáž v štandarde - o 50 % viac gramáže, než u bežných uterákov a županov Vyrobené z kvalitnej 100% prémiovej egejskej bavlny 100% Antibakteriálna ochrana MICROBAN Nadštandardné rozmery osušiek napriek všeobecnému trendu skracovania Viac...
Pokiaľ patríte medzi milovníkov bazénov a chystáte sa na letnú dovolenku alebo si jednoducho len užívať slnečné dni pri vode, potom určite oceníte župan ako nevyhnutnú súčasť vašej výbavy. Pri výbere správneho župana je dôležité zohľadniť pohodlie, štýl a
prejsť na článokThe GS-SOFT Cup school basketball league continued with another pair of tournaments. Again, we witnessed several close matches but due to the quality of individual teams, we witnessed clear results, which is a consequence of different philosophies of the
GS-SOFT has become the proud partner of an amateur football club with a century-old history in Pezinok. The Club primarily focuses on the development of regional football and work with the youth. It has approximately 20 teams and most of them play competi
GS-SOFT became a partner of the charity cross-country run in Pezinok, to support community projects in the Small Carpathian region that benefit the general public. The best way to express belonging is to involve people in various charitable activities. We
During the previous week, the final tournament of the School Basketball League GD-TEAM CUP 2022/2023 was organized in Pezinok, whose general partner is also GS-SOFT. The winners were young basketball players from the Komenského Primary School in Sereď, wh