5 Budget Travel Tips Every Digital Nomad Should Know

First of all, travel off-season. Check with the local tourism office to find out when their off-season starts when flying, either plan well in advance (ideally, 10 months to a year ahead) or at the last minute (two weeks or less before you leave) these will give you the cheapest pricing. Try to be flexible- you can save on fares by travelling mid-week, or choosing sunny Varadero, Cuba, over sunny Cancun, Mexico. Save your health check with your credit card company for existing travel or car insurance. Find and book a package deal or an all-inclusive trip. (not applied for local restaurants to hotel fare or planned outings, all-inclusives may not be a good idea. Brown bag healthy snacks and meals to avoid pricey airport or train food. Book a hotel room with a kitchenette, to save on meals. A very important thing, consult with your travel agent to preplan trips; surf the Internet for immediate deals. Ask your travel agent where to change your money to get the best exchange rate. Visit appropriate websites for hot Deals or special Deals to get the best prices on North American rail travel.The post 5 Budget Travel Tips Every Digital Nomad Should Know first appeared on Slnečné Skaly.

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