Zúčastnili sme sa na zimnom seminári u našich kamarátov z Heiwa Dojo v Kráľovskom Chlmci. Na trojdňovom seminári bolo vyše 30 účastníkov z celého Slovenska. Spoločne sme si zacvičili pod vedením nášho Senseia Igora Vakoša (5.Dan Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate, 4.Dan Okinawa Kobudo). V rámci kobudo tréningov som mal tú česť asistovať ako sempai a pomáhať pri učení vybranej skupiny. Ďakujem a tešíme sa na ďalšie spoločné cvičenie. The post 5. Winter East Slovak Regional Gasshuku appeared first on Ookami Dojo.
Henkel Adhesive Technologies, the world’s leading solution provider for adhesives, sealants and functional coatings, has reached a significant sustainability milestone: all manufacturing sites in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region now operate on 100%
prejsť na článokENROLLMENT PROCEDURES General principles of admission of Slovak universities: The general prerequisite for admission to bachelor study in Slovakia is a secondary school‑leaving certificate and demonstration of skills required for the appropriate study in
prejsť na článokAcademic year Academic year starts on September 1 of the current year and ends on August 31 of the following year. It is composed of 2 semesters (winter semester lasts from September to January and summer semester lasts from February to June). The organiz
prejsť na článokSUMMER SEMESTER OF THE 2021/2022 ACADEMIC YEAR PREPARES FOR THE RESUMPTION OF ONSITE TEACHING Comenius University Bratislava is submitting a proposal to the regional public health authority, including the following: Onsite teaching in the summer semester
prejsť na článokThe Slovak Republic has its own legal regulations governing the recognition of educational qualifications awarded abroad. It is also bound by international agreements (especially those of the European Union and European Economic Area) and bilateral agreem
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