This year, 2020, is one of those special years when an extra day pops up out of nowhere only to disappear the next year. Hurry! Its almost March! In Slovak, we call it priestupný rok, because this extra day, 29 February, steps over from one month into the next. In English, we call this day a leap day and the year a leap year, exactly for the same reason. The extra day crosses over into the next month, but for some reason, in English it does so in a more rushed or excited manner compared to Slovak, by leaping rather than just stepping. leap (past leaped or leapt-leapt) = to make a large jump or a sudden movement, usually from one place to another He leapt out of his car and ran towards the house. He leaped up to answer the phone. The dog leaped over the gate into the field. Fun fact (sort of) Did you know that the people born on 29 February age 4 times more slowly than the rest of us? I havent found any studies to support this claim but Im sure its true, judging by the one person I know born on a leap day. An extra bit for the English enthusiasts Folk traditions In different countries, leap years are connected to various folk traditions, most of them to do with marriage and proposals. If you have seen the romantic comedy Leap Year (2010) with Amy Adams and Matthew Goode, youll know all about it. If not, heres an overview: In Ireland and Britain, it is a tradition that women may propose marriage only in leap years. Supposedly, a 1288 law by Queen Margaret of Scotland (then age five and living in Norway), required that fines be levied if a marriage proposal was refused by the man; compensation was deemed to be a pair of leather gloves, a single rose, £1 and a kiss. Amy Adams and Matthew Goode in Leap Year (2010) In Finland, the tradition is that if a man refuses a womans proposal on leap day, he should buy her the fabrics for a skirt. In France, since 1980, a satirical newspaper entitled La Bougie du Sapeur is published only on leap year, on February 29. In Greece, marriage in a leap year is considered unlucky. One in five engaged couples in Greece will plan to avoid getting married in a leap year. In February 1988 the town of Anthony in Texas, USA, declared itself leap year capital of the world, and an international leapling birthday club was started. leapling a baby born on leap day This year, Leap Day falls on Saturday, a perfect day to celebrate. So whether you step into March by staying at home and watching TV or leapby proposing to your loved one, enjoy it! Happy Leap Day and have a great Leap Year! (adapted from Wikipedia) The post Ako sa povie priestupný rok? appeared first on Edifiers.
Je karavan obľúbená tohtoročná dovolenková voľba Slovákov? Užite si dovolenku v bezpečí a ako doma! Karavany Bratislava vám povie, ako si prenajať karavan. The post Rozhovor Plus1Deň appeared first on Karavany Bratislava.
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