Amazing new video

Nunc pretium mattis lacus. Ut quis porta quam, sit amet dapibus velit. In porttitor, dolor non imperdiet iaculis, nisl dui suscipit libero, a vestibulum risus urna ac orci. Maecenas arcu ligula, sagittis eu velit sit amet, imperdiet molestie ligula. Aliquam ac mattis turpis. Morbi nisi arcu, consequat sed metus in, sodales auctor nisl. Maecenas augue augue, feugiat ut velit nec, vestibulum lacinia lacus. Nullam justo dolor, tincidunt ut scelerisque eu, rutrum ac quam. Morbi sit amet pulvinar odio. Vivamus a quam ultricies, sagittis ipsum at, facilisis nulla. Maecenas porta urna est, quis pellentesque velit venenatis non. Vestibulum et elit varius, luctus nunc a, viverra tellus.rnrnLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis auctor justo ut nisi tempor, sed imperdiet mauris porttitor. Etiam purus ipsum, hendrerit eu quam vel, laoreet sagittis enim. Nam ullamcorper sed nisi eu dictum. Aliquam erat volutpat. In cursus efficitur eros sed ullamcorper. Vivamus eget aliquet dolor. The post Amazing new video appeared first on Na Okraji.

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The Best Weekend Itinerary for Zagreb

After around a dozen visits and very nearly moving there, Zagreb holds a special place in my heart. It’s a frankly underrated city in a country with more amazing sites than seems fair for its size. But despite all the amazing Dalmatian coast has to offer,

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Ako natočiť 360° video?

Pred tým ako si zodpovieme otázku Ako natočiť 360° video?, by sme si mali povedať čo to vlastne 360° video vlastne je. Veľa ľudí si to totižto zamieňa s výrazom virtuálna prehliadka. Čo je to 360° video? Čo je to virtuálna prehliadka? Potrebná technika N

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Čo je 360 video?

Čo je 360 video a aký je rozdiel medzi ním a virtuálnou prehliadkou? V širokej verejnosti panujú ohľadom tejto témy nejasnosti. Niekto si myslí, že 360 video je virtuálne vytvorená animácia, iný zase že je to to isté ako virtuálna prehliadka Poďme v tom

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ITAPA EXPO 2022 Last Friday, on September the 9th, we were invited to show the amazing FIRST LEGO League on the ITAPA EXPO 2022. Our team Hexadron has shown robots made from lego, as well as presented about the competition on the s

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Video in slider

The blog post slider is automatically created with images you upload to the post and one video from Vimeo or YouTube (optional). Its built on the Boostrap slider. When you enter the blog post, the slider is the first to show. Click on any thumbnail, and t

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