Angel Wines na Danube Wine Day 2023 v Leviciach

DANUBE WINE CHALLENGE je projekt, kterého cieľom je pomôcť pri zvyšovaní povedomia o kvalitnom víne. Pretože víno je kultúra. Medzinárodnou súťažou vín, ktorá sa koná každoročne vikonickom kaštieli Château Bela, sa pre organizátorov všetko len začína… Verejné degustácie s názvom Danube Wine Day alebo Deň dunajských vín, patria do série sprievodných podujatí projektu. Konajú sa Read More

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Angel Wines – mladé vinárstvo pod patronátom anjela

Angel wines je vin rstvo, ktor sa už niekoľko rokov po sebe dostalo do N rodn ho sal nu v n SR. Nie je to typick tradičn vin rstvo, ale pr beh p n Vladim ra Turčana a jeho cesta od sna vyr bať jedinečn v na až po zrealizovanie. P n Turčan nepoch dza z

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Cranberry Wine A Tradion Worth Sharing

Peachy Sangria wine is a light and fresh blend of award-winning St. James Winery Peach, Raspberry, and Moscato wines, and it has returned just in time for summertime sipping. In each bottle of Peachy Sangria, you’ll enjoy aromas and flavors of freshly sli

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Discussion about the latest trends

Peachy Sangria wine is a light and fresh blend of award-winning St. James Winery Peach, Raspberry, and Moscato wines, and it has returned just in time for summertime sipping. In each bottle of Peachy Sangria, you’ll enjoy aromas and flavors of freshly sli

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Make A Statement With Cabinet Hardware

Peachy Sangria wine is a light and fresh blend of award-winning St. James Winery Peach, Raspberry, and Moscato wines, and it has returned just in time for summertime sipping. In each bottle of Peachy Sangria, you’ll enjoy aromas and flavors of freshly sli

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Common Problems You Might Encounter When Remodeling

Peachy Sangria wine is a light and fresh blend of award-winning St. James Winery Peach, Raspberry, and Moscato wines, and it has returned just in time for summertime sipping. In each bottle of Peachy Sangria, you’ll enjoy aromas and flavors of freshly sli

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