Apostille Guatemala

On January 19, 2017, Guatemala acceded to the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961, which abolishes the requirement of legalization of foreign official documents (Apostille Convention). From September 18, 2017, Guatemala began accepting apostilles as part of the legalization of documents. Guatemala will accept apostilles from all countries participating in the Hague Agreement. We can apostatize all types of documents possible, including: contracts, corporate documents, certificates, birth, marriage, child birth, divorce, death, charters, business licenses, company incorporation documents, trademark and patent documents, powers of attorney, technical agreements, court documents, documents on secondary and higher education, documents issued from abroad, certificate of no criminal record, medical documents. We will provide you with a quick process of apostilling documents for use in Guatemala. In addition to our apostille service in Bratislava, we also offer legalization services in Prague. You can find additional information on our website. Príspevok Apostille Guatemala zobrazený najskôr Apostille, superlegalizácia, preklady.

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Diploma apostille

Are you planning to continue your studies or work abroad? Do you need to apostille a diploma? We apostille your diploma. We can put an apostille on a signed and notarized diploma in all countries. For countries that are not members of the Hague Apostille

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Passport apostille

If you want to work abroad, get married or get an education, you will need a passport apostille. An apostille is a stamp confirming authenticity accepted by all countries of the 1961 Hague Convention. In the case of non-member countries, a legalization pr

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Apostille Tunisia

On July 10, 2017, Tunisia acceded to the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961, which abolishes the requirement of legalization of foreign official documents, which abolishes the requirement of legalization of foreign official documents. Tunisia accepts apo

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Ako spoznať falošnú apostilu?

Len v Spojených štátoch sa ročne spracuje približne milión apostíl. S globalizáciou narastá počet ľudí, ktorí sa v zahraničí sťahujú, podnikajú v rôznych oblastiach, odchádzajú do dôchodku alebo žiadajú o adopciu detí. Práve tieto aktivity a dokumenty s n

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Čo je to apostil a kedy ho potrebujeme?

„Apostille“ je francúzske slovo a znamená overenie. 5.októbra 1961 sa mnoho krajín spojilo a vytvorilo zjednodušenú metódu overovania všeobecne uznaných dokumentov. Tieto krajiny podpísali Haagsky dohovor. Prijali formu dokumentu, označovanú ako apostil.

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