BIPAR 2022 virtual mid-term meetings – Final dates and programme

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Programme and dates BIPAR mid-terms meetings/ webinarsYou can invite members of your team and board to attend the webinars – In a virtual environment speakers appreciate (even more) a large audience (and there will be exclusive important information shared by the speakers). To the BIPAR member associations Dear Members, As we informed you on 10 January, we cancelled the face-to-face mid-term meetings in Brussels and instead will organise virtual mid-term meetings/ webinars spread over (the end of) January and February. As you will see from the programme below and attached, it is a busy BIPAR meeting/ webinar month but in the coming six months, key dossiers for our sector are on the agenda. You will appreciate that we were able to attract the key influencers and decision-makers in the various key strategic dossiers for our sector. Participating in all these meetings will provide you with an overview of all regulatory (and lobby) key challenges we have in front of us for the coming two years. In each of the webinars, we will receive exclusive updated information from first hand by EIOPA and Commission officials who are of extreme importance for our dossiers and our sector. In the “meetings” we will discuss our strategy and exchange information. From a lobbying perspective, you will agree that it is important that our speakers in the webinars see a large group of participants on their screen and your presence is of utmost importance to reflect the importance and united voice of our sector (besides the interesting information that will be shared). We appreciate highly that the speakers were prepared to participate “live” online (instead of a pre-registered session). Do not hesitate to invite members of your team or your board to also attend the webinars. Questions to speakers in the webinars will be “organised” and we kindly invite you to send us questions you may want to ask to the various speakers beforehand. We will send you shortly the online registration forms for the various virtual sessions. There will be simultaneous interpretation from and into French and English. BIPAR 2022 VIRTUAL MID-TERM MEETINGS – FINAL PROGRAMME Thursday 27 January pm15:30 16:30 Virtual meeting: EU Affairs Committee Setting the scenePresentation by the CNCGP, the French National Chamber of asset management advice BIPAR member association): KPMG study on remuneration 16:30 17:30 Webinar with Daniela Bankier, Head of Unit “Consumer Policy”, and David Ciliberti, Legislative Officer, DG Justice & Consumers, European Commission The New Consumer Credit Directive how does it adapt to the needs of the new consumer?What to do with the Distance Marketing of Financial Services Directive in a digital age? Presentation and discussion Friday 28 January am09:30 10:30Webinar with Didier Millerot, Head of Unit “Insurance and Pension”, and Nico Spiegel, Legal officer, DG FISMA, European Commission Retail investment strategy /IDD review Presentation and discussion Virtual Coffee break 11:00 12:30Webinar (interview) with Petra Hielkema, Chair EIOPA “What’s on the EIOPA agenda for intermediaries?” 9 February 202215:00 16:00 Agents’ Committee meeting(for members of the Agents Committee only) 17 February 202211:00 12:30 EU Affairs Committee meetingPresentation and discussion on the BIPAR position on EIOPA’s draft advice on the retail investment strategy (advice, remuneration, conflicts of interest, …) 22 February 202211:00 12:00(see our mail of 15 December for information and online registration) BIPAR Webinar on PEPPEurope’s flagship to provide (cheaper) private pensions for all and the role intermediaries can play in this. With Didier Millerot, Head of Unit “Insurance and Pensions” of DG FISMA, European Commission, and Fausto Parente, Executive Director of EIOPA. 23 February 202211:00 12:30 Brokers’ Committee meeting(for members of the Brokers’ Committee only) Kind regards, Dominique SizesChair Nic De MaesschalckDirector BIPAR-2022-virtual-mid-term-meetings-Programme-ENStiahnuť Príspevok BIPAR 2022 virtual mid-term meetings – Final dates and programme zobrazený najskôr SASP - Slovenská asociácia sprostredkovateľov v poisťovníctve.

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