Mahart passNave the largest and leading passenger shipping company from Hungary has chosen Intercad as technical consultant and engineering partner for the refit of their vessel the MS Budapest. The MS Budapest is a luxury conference vessel and through this refit Mahart passNave wanted to upgrade the overall performance of the vessel and increase onboard comfort and accessibility. The accessibility onboard was improved by rearranging the main entrance and passenger decks in such way that an elevator could be fitted onboard allowing fully accessible passenger decks for everybody. Both exterior and interior received an extensive upgrade including the installation of a complete new HVAC system offering the passengers onboard the highest level of comfort. Intercad created the revised arrangements drawings and diagrams, but also the structural integrity of the vessel was thoroughly checked. After submitting all required information to class society the complete production information package was developed by Intercad. The scope also included technical coordination and support towards the shipyard.The post BUDAPEST Boat first appeared on Intercad Ship Design.

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Výstava „CONSTRUMA HOME Design 2023“ v Budapešti

Radi Vás privítame aj tento rok na výstave CONSTRUMA od 29. marca do 2. apríla 2023, kde už patríme medzi každoročných pravidelných vystavovateľov. Prinesieme Vám nové nápady a inšpirácie, sprevádzané s množstvom zliav, prezentáciami a s bezplatným porade

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Pozývame Vás na výstavu „NÁBYTOK-SVIETIDLÁ-BYTOVÝ TEXTIL 2023“, ktorá sa uskutoční 24-25-26.02.2023 v Budapešti. Zavedieme Vás do zázračného sveta krbov, kde môžete nazbierať dostatok nápadov a inšpirácie pre Vaše bývanie. Čaká Vás množstvo zliav, bezplat

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In the fifth annual CHESS SLOVAK OPEN in Skalica, the Slovak unit won three times!

The largest international chess tournament in Slovakia, which has already won the recognition of the international chess federation FIDE, is in its fifth year. The International Chess Federation ranked it among the 25 most important tournaments in Europe

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8 tipov, kam na jarnú dovolenku

Jarné slnko pomaly, ale isto prebúdza prírodu zo zimného spánku a dni sa konečne predlžujú. To je ideálny čas na to, aby ste si konečne dopriali zaslúženú dovolenku a načerpali novú energiu. Či už ste milovníci prírody, histórie, umenia alebo gastronómie,

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