CBRE Madrid: WELL Building and the Benefits in Practice

In 2013, the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) launched a movement to address issues regarding health and wellbeing within the built environment (issues which are somewhat overlooked by existing standards). From this the WELL Building Standard was established, with the aim to provide architects and designers with guidelines on how to make a real and measurable difference to how we Zdroj

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CBRE workshop: Zamestnanci novej generacie 2019

V spolupráci so spoločnosťami CBRE, CSI Leasing a Americkou obchodnou komorou sme na sklonku roka 2019 v priestoroch nášho nájomcu DIEBOLD NIXDORF zrealizovali odborné prednášky spojené s business raňajkami na tému „Zamestnanci novej generácie potrebujú k

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Lead pipes: are they really dangerous?

Lead pipes are still present in old houses. If lead from those pipes gets into your drinking water, it can harm your health and of your children. In this article you will learn how to identify lead pipes and how to avoid lead contamination. Contaminati

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Welcome in the Age of Employee Experience.

How many contracts between employee and organisation are you aware of? In any organisation there is definitely more than one. All above is more important than we realise in our daily routine. Transactional contract represents the typical relationship and

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Certifikačný program BREEAM

Čo je BREEAM? Britský certifikačný program BREEAM (Building Research Establishement Environmental Assessment Method) je jedným z najznámejších programov v oblasti udržateľnosti budov na celom svete. Bol vyvinutý vo Veľkej Británii už v roku 1990, čím s

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Program klasifikácie budov WELL

Čo je stavebný štandard WELL? Americký program klasifikácie budov WELL Building Standard® je prvým štandardom na svete, ktorý zaujal holistický prístup. Stavebný štandard WELL bol vyvíjaný vedcami, lekármi a architektmi počas siedmich rokov a bol uv

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