Does an enlarged prostate have an influence on sexual activity?

It could. It could cause erectile dysfunction or ejaculation problems. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is characterized as an excessive growth of the prostate which then pushes on the urethra. Those who suffer from this often experience problems when urinating and have to turn to the help of medicine. But some drugs can have side effects that affect one’s sexual life. 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors and alpha-lytics are two pharmaceutical categories which are often used in the treatment of BPH. The former, however, can decrease sexual desire and interfere with the ability to maintain an erection. While the latter make ejaculation more difficult. Another well-worn road to cure BPH is minimally invasive surgery performed by use of a stent and heat or laser treatments. This process can also result in erectile dysfunction or retrograde ejaculation (when the seminal fluid ends up in the bladder rather than coming out of the penis). This disorder is also one of the possible side effects of a transurethral resection of the prostate, an operation in which the internal portion of the prostate is removed. The transurethral incision of the prostate, which involves the enlargement of the urethra, is another procedure used to treat BPH, though it can cause erectile dysfunction. As can be seen, it is important for patients with BPH to be followed by a urologist cho can offer proper advice about the best treatments for their condition while also considering possible side effects that can interfere with sexual activity. These side effects can then been corrected through therapy adjustment or with the prescription of specific drugs that can improve sexual function. Language English Tags:  benign prostatic hyperplasia Section:  Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Approval Code:  HFTHQ 20-29 Bibliography long:  Does having an enlarged prostate (BPH) affect sexual performance? - International Society for Sexual Medicine Italiano Português Lietuvių Español Français Čeština Українська

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