Dulcia natural

zvuková postprodukcia online spotu pre Dulcia (2019) www.dulcia.sk The post Dulcia natural appeared first on d-ears.

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Šetríme lesy so značkami Satino a Tork

21. marec, Medzinárodný deň lesov, nám pripomína, aké dôležité je chrániť naše lesy. Spoločnosti ako Satino a Tork predstavujú príklad toho, ako môžu podniky prispievať k ochrane životného prostredia prostredníctvom udržateľnej výroby a spotreby. Je na ná

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How we are expanding our sustainability efforts to focus on nature and planetary boundaries 

Lindström is among the 15 leading companies participating in the Science-Based Targets for Nature (SBTN) training program — an initiative under the United Nations Global Compact Network Finland. This program guides and supports us in setting targets for n

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10 Reasons to Choose Natural Health

Rehabilitation medicine is one of the best-kept secrets in healthcare. Although the specialty is as old as America’s Civil War, few people are familiar with its history and purpose. Born out of compassion for wounded soldiers in desperate need of societal

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PREČO NEJESŤ RYBY? Keď sa začnete venovať problematike rýb a morí nikdy nebudete chcieť viac jesť ryby. Je neuveritelné, čo dokážu ludia robiť týmto krásnym živým tvorom. Devastujú moria a oceány, ktoré patria nám všetkým, aby v nich tým najhorším spôsobo

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Comenius' motto "school by play" still applies or what is gamification

Education is constantly evolving and is influenced by a number of currents of opinion and tendencies. One of these trends is gamification. What is it? What is gamification The very concept of gamification is a relatively new phenomenon emerging in edu

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