There are two new directives, first for the fast reaction mechanism aimed towards preventing VAT fraud. Second one is for the optional and temporary application of the reverse charge mechanism in relation to supplies of certain goods and services. Quick Reaction mechanism provides the legal basis to the countries that are members of the EU to integrate an emergency measure in they are in position to serious case of sudden and massive VAT fraud. The measure allows the countries of the EU membership to apply the reverse charge mechanism for a limited period of time with specific conditions also to be taken under consideration. All of this represents a faster procedure.. More specifically, this new directives apply to digital services (everything that can be downloaded or used online) The area of sectors where this mechanism can be taken to action is broader and it includes also mobile pones, integrated circuit devices, supply of gas and electricity, telecom services, game consoles, tablet PCs and laptops, cereals and industrial crops and raw and semi-finished materials. As a seller on the market you are responsable to pay the buyers VAT based in their own country (this means any EU country) nevertheless whether you are an EU based company or not. This new directives are not quantitiy and price aware so by selling one ítem for less than a dollar, new legislature will rules are still being applied. You are also obliged to store buyers information (their location etc.) for the next 10 years after the deal was executed. The post EU VAT CHANGES FOR 2015 first appeared on Ekontrio.

  • Web: Ekontrio
  • Aktualizované: 29.6.2023
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Rajecké Teplice 2015

      Akcia Letné slávnosti v Rajeckých Tepliciach 2015. The post Rajecké Teplice 2015 first appeared on Daudio.

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Rekonštrukcia bytu Laurinská autor: Ing. arch. Oto Häusler, Ing. arch. Martina Demková miesto: Bratislava návrh: máj jún 2015 realizácia: júl 2015 november 2015 fotograf: Kristína Botlová Dutková, Juraj Chlpík podlahová plocha interiér: 144,45 m² The po

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Veletrh Stavotech jaro 2015

Ve dnech 26. – 28.3.2015 se uskutečnil veletrh Stavotech jaro 2015. EKOternit byl opět u toho.

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Spoločnosť FM Institute Slovakia s.r.o. sa zúčastnila konferencie EnergyCamp 2015

Spoločnosť FM Institute Slovakia s.r.o. sa zúčastnila konferencie EnergyCamp 2015, ktorá sa konala v dňoch 23. – 24. Apríla 2015 v priestoroch rekreačno-športového komplexu AquaCity Poprad. Konferencia bola plná príkladov z praxe. The post Spoločnosť F

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Štátny príspevok pre mladých od 1.1.2015 – zmena maximálneho príjmu o 26 €

Pred koncom roka som musel opäť narýchlo vyriešiť zopár hypoték so štátnym príspevkom pre mladých. Išlo o ľudí, ktorí by v roku 2015 už na neho stratili nárok. Od 1.1.2015 sa totiž mení príjmová hranica na štátny príspevok pre mladých. Znižuje sa o 26 €.

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