These trying times are showing how fragile the psyche can be. But does it have to be like this? Nicola Grace Orlovsky / March 9 2021(2 min. read) The pandemic causes physical difficulty breathing but it slowly creeps over the mind as well. Of course, to make the situation even more challenging, the soul also does not receive the nurturing it needs. It is almost like the trifecta of doom that makes people ask themselves, will this ever cease to haunt us? The answers are in no way yet definitive and the ones we do have are grim at best. There is this slight light of hope which we all keep bearing in mind… “this too shall pass one day”. But when that day comes, people will still be overwhelmed by what is to come in the future. Perhaps, not only what is to come, but how to deal with the consequences of this historic event. Grown-ups are struggling to keep their jobs, children are staring into computer screens for way longer than is deemed healthy for a developing mind, doctors, social workers, teachers, food providers, you name it, are cracking under the pressure. The pandemic has taken its toll on everybody, except maybe, house pets. They are loving the extra attention, I would assume. From my personal observations, I can see that people, including myself, are losing communication skills, social skills, and even empathy. Don’t get me wrong, we can still all relate to each other in the sense that we all hate what covid is doing to people. However, we are losing that innate ability to understand each other and bond. Even trivial things such as eye contact are becoming somewhat more challenging to maintain. More have grown more anxious and social situations have made them more uncomfortable. Younger kids are losing crucial time which should be spent with their peers. Instead, they have to sit at home and wonder about the day this will all be over. Nothing about this situation should be taken lightly but that doesn't mean we stop living altogether. We need to keep looking at the light at the end of the tunnel. Hope for better solutions and believe that human decency is not lost. Afterall the pandemic has brought some people closer together, allowed people to learn new skills and pick up new hobbies. Most of all, it has taught some people how to be independent and reliant on themselves proving that self-growth comes from within the person.
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