History of Car Navigation Systems

This is an interesting and very innovative concept of car navigation system from 1985 by Etaks company in the US: https://www.fastcompany.com/3047828/who-needs-gps-the-forgotten-story-of-etaks-amazing-1985-car-navigation-system And there were some The post History of Car Navigation Systems appeared first on Ambience. Follow the author at: @[email protected]

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Vďaka dlhoročnej spolupr ci spoločnosti SALTO SYSTEMS a spoločnosti SKIDATA m žu na i klienti využ vať RFID karty spoločnosti SKIDATA (na slovenskom trhu ich najčastej ie pozn me pod označen m SKIPASS alebo GOPASS) na hoteloch, ktor využ vaj dvern elek

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Exclusive Histories, Unseen Narratives

The canon is generally understood as a body of the most important personalities and key works in a particular field, and for various reasons it evokes an impression of objectivity and impartiality. But is it really objective, or does it exclude someone or

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Tirana: Its History and a Post-Socialist Perspective on Urban Growth and Transformation between 1991–2016

This paper examines Tirana’s urbanization process from a socio-morphological perspective. It presents a quick understanding on how Tirana came to be a town, and then how it became the capital of Albania in 1920. This material reflects on different urban i

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SALTO AElement Fusion Spoločnosť SALTO Systems spustila na trh nov hotelov z mok AElement Fusion, ako najnov pr rastok do svojho portf lia riadenia pr stupu v ubytovacom sektore. AElement Fusion je elektronick z mok s elegantn m sn mačom, zv raznen

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Recenzia: Ara: History Untold

Séria Civilization má nového vyzývateľa zo stajne Xbox Game Studios. Ponúka v niečom podobný, ale do istej miery aj odlišný zážitok pri tvorení alternatívnej histórie.

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