How to increase the impact and representativeness of the YDF live forum?

The floor is yours! As were nearing our unique forum in Krakow, we want you to shape its contours. True participation doesn t only mean that participants have the power to influence the agenda, but also that we represent the voices of those who won t be present. Use your voice and help us solve dilemmas that arose during the organization of the forum. Lets maximize the impact through collective resolutions! let scriptUrl = ""; const script = document.createElement('script'); script.async = true; script.src = scriptUrl; document.body.appendChild(script); What s the goal of this discussion?We want you to have say on the format and agenda of the live deliberative forum in Krakow. Main areas of this discussion are:quality vs. quantity of the recommendations for civic youth engagement that we re going to create;distribution mechanism of the participants between 4 focus groups (thematic, procedural or national?);addressing potential language barriers and insecurities;calibrating our expectations;particular aspects of the topics and agenda of the forum.About YDF 2024Youth dialogue forum (YDF) is an unique project which combines civic technology with a live deliberative event. The goal is to engage youth and empower communities through an innovative civic game.How could civic engagement and empowerement look like when we have the opportunity to experiment and test new approaches? Thats the question YDF strives to answer through an innovative dialogue forum which will be held in three countries (Poland, Czechia and Slovakia) and combine CivTech with live deliberations. YDF on top of that incorporates gamification elements to its process to fulfill the potential of new incentives.Project is being implemented as part of Youth Leadership for Emerging Future done by Ashoka Poland, Save the Children and Humanitarian Leadership Academy.

  • Web: DEMDIS
  • Aktualizované: 19.10.2024
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Its a wrap - Hagener Gerüst-Forum 2023

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Pozývame vás na Fórum CPD: Renovácia

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Our website is live!

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Invitation: Step out of your bubble and join us on our live YDF forum in Krakow!

Project Youth Dialogue Forum 2024 (YDF) climaxes with a live deliberative weekend which will be held on 20.-22.9.2024 in Krakow. Its goal is to create concrete recommendations for civic actors on how to engage youth in their work through innovative incent

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