Our Kayak Boat Tour is Just for You

Lake George is known as a paddlers paradise, and the Lake George Kayak Company wants to help you get on the lake! Whether youre looking for rentals, lessons, or gear, youll find what you need at their two local properties. Enjoy a guided lazy river tubing, rafting or kayaking trip for all ages. Calm water is perfect for families. Beat the heat, chill out and go with the flow. It will be the easiest vacation decision youve ever made! Even if, as a child, you never dreamed of growing up to be Magellan, or Lewis & Clark and members of their Corps of Discovery, it’s not too late to find adventure! Immerse yourself in the elements, relax and realize a sense of oneness in these glorious surroundings. Kayaking provides wonderful exercise while offering opportunities for activities as diverse as sightseeing, exploring, bird watching, photography and fishing. Kayaking is for all ages, and for all fitness levels. Two hour to full day tours are available. Lunch can be provided upon request. Kayaks and gear (paddles, life vests, dry bags) are included in the price of the tour. Group rates are available. Half day tour (4 hours) $65. With lunch $75. Full day tour $125.The post Our Kayak Boat Tour is Just for You first appeared on Slnečné Skaly.

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