Pandemic Train - Hra

V hre Pandemic Train máte na starosti posádku na palube vlaku, ktorý brázdi postapokalyptickú pustatinu, spustošenú vojnou aj smrteľným morom. Vaším cieľom je prežiť dostatočne dlho na to, aby ste objavili liek... alebo pri pokuse o to zomreli. Osud ľudstva je vo vašich rukách! Starajte sa o chod vlaku, o ľudí a nájdite liek.

prejsť na článok súčasťou Faster Than a Train: Predbehli sme vlak?

2 minúty čítania Počuli ste už o tom, že by cyklista mohol byť rýchlejší ako vlak? Účastníci projektu Faster Than a Train o tom nielen počuli, ale spolu s nami sa o to aj pokúsili. 23. júna 2023 prebehol prvý ročník podujatia, ktorý s radosťou podporuje a

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Sharing the same passion

As Pluriton, we make an important contribution to the innovative and progressive poultry sector. And we do this together with poultry farmers in a transparent and sustainable way. We believe in a healthy future for our current and future generations. At t

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Weekend: Popular vintage train show back with steam engines

High Tatras trails are open. For a lesser demanding trip, climb a giant bench. Here's what to do during the weekend of June 14-16.

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20 native articles in 4 years: How does a client from Austria targets Slovaks? (case study)

Travelling is always an attractive topic for readers. Great adventures, relax and fascinating places can also be found just a few kilometers across the border. The Austrian National Tourist Office regularly reaches out to Slovak readers of magazines Hasht

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A Day in the Life of an EUC Maverick: Barry Browne

Barry Browne is an IT visionary currently serving as Director of Solution Architecture for IGEL Elite partner XenTegra Canada. How I use IGEL: To tackle remote work challenges In late 2019, several months before the global COVID-19 pandemic took hold, Bro

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