Pharmacy Salvator Bratislava

The historical Pharmacy Salvator is located next to the monumental St. Martins Cathedral and it is one of the most photogenic spots in Bratislava, so you can know it also from Instagram :). What is unique about the pharmacy with unique baroque mobiliary it is it does not serve just as a museum but also still it works like a pharmacy. History of Pharmacy Salvator Bratislava The building of pharmacy is a neo renaissance building situated on Panska street opposite to St. Martins Cathedral. The building was built by pharmacist Rudolf Adler in 1904. Some legends says, that the pharmacy was established even sooner in 17th century by the bishop George Lippai. On façade of the building is located the statue of Christ Saviour (in Latin Saviour = Salvator) from sculptor Alojz Rigele. The building consist of private apartments and in ground floor is located pharmacy, which was re-opened in 2023 by city of Bratislava. Historical Furniture of pharmacy The historical furniture of pharmacy has very high value. It is original furniture from 1727, constructed for needs of residential building of St. Martin in Prespork (ancient name of Bratislava). Some parts of furniture are even older and they were part of Jesuit pharmacy funded by the bishop George Lippai. The pharmacy operated continuously in Adlers house from 1904 till 1995 during the Austro Hungarian Empire, first Czechoslovakia, Slovak republic, Communist Czechoslovakia and it was closed in 1995. Last year in 2023 thanks to effort of town council of Bratislava, the pharmacy Salvator Bratislava was re-opened. On façade of the Adlers house you can see also Latin inscription Quidquid agis, prudenter agas et respice finem, 1658 which means “Whatever you do, do it prudently and look to the end”. The post Pharmacy Salvator Bratislava appeared first on Bratislava City Tours.

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