Propolis used in traditional medicine

Propolis is made by bees. It has been extensively used in traditional medicine as well as herbal medicines because of its antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties. In propolis there have been identified more than 300 different components but the main ingredient is polyphenol. When propolis is administered orally: - increases immunity against infection - regulates blood pressure - it has a calming effect - protects the body against the effects of ionizing radiation . Check Propolis and Royal jelly offer: Visit our Oziwell Shop

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Čo je to propolis?

Z literatúry vieme, že aj propolis, podobne ako med, bol používaný už v dávnych dobách. Rímsky historik Plínius o ňom hovorí vo svojom diele História naturalis ako o liečebnom prostriedku. Slovo propolis sa odvodzuje od gréckych slov „pro“ (pre obranu ale

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National cuisine in a traditional restaurant

Bratislava restaurant Flagship is the best choice if you want to explore Slovak cuisine. Flagship provides the best guide not only to the cuisine but to Slovak culture, tradition and habits as well. Tasty meals are cooked in accordance with traditional re

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New energy vehicles vs. traditional – what is the difference in relation to PCBs?

The automotive industry is undergoing a revolutionary change. The electronic part in the new energy vehicle is more involved and advanced, and with this in mind, the demands on the PCBs will increase in various ways. The post New energy vehicles vs. tradi

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LOCLUB: More than just a restaurant – it's an experience!

When was the last time you entered a place where food becomes art and the atmosphere transports you to another dimension? If you are looking for something more than just traditional food, LOCLUB is your answer. Combination of tradition and avant-garde It'

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Zázrak menom propolisová tinktúra

Propolisová tinktúra, ktorú nie je ťažké vyrobiť si aj doma, by mala mať čestné miesto vo vašej domácej lekárničke. Avšak pozor na to, kde si propolis kupujete. Ak je totiž včelí úľ situovaný v priemyselnej oblasti bez dostatočného množstva stromov, včely

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