When you service all makes of turbine, all around the world, how do you make sure that safety standards are maintained at the highest level? It’s an important question and when we talk to our customers about what’s most important to them competencies in renewable energy systems. IRecco’s extensive range of robust and reliable products backed by its cutting-edge R&D and more than two decades of expertise are designed to ensure optimum performance. Of course, it’s a given that all turbines live up to strict legislation, but that’s not really where the greatest safety challenge lies. If you look at the causes of incidents, more than 90% are caused by human behavior. That’s why we believe that keeping the highest safety record means creating a safety-first mindset. The people I meet who service our turbines are special: They’re proud of what they do, and they take their jobs very seriously. It’s not an easy environment to work in. When you’ve experienced standing on the top of an 80m high turbine, swaying in the wind like a ship at sea, you really respect what they do. It takes a cool head and a lot of courage. Why it Might Be Time to Visit Wind Farm Self-Performance But not all the people who are attracted to this lifestyle – because that’s what it is – are not natural-born rule followers. And to secure a high safety level for all, we spend a lot of time developing watertight safety procedures and protocols which must become second nature for them. Because not following rules has serious consequences. Secondly, training is vital, both technical safety training, turbine specific training as well as Safety awareness training. Adding to this leadership needs to be strong and leaders perform safety walks to check first-hand what our engineers will encounter. Even our executive leadership takes part, and our CEO has climbed the ladder and walked the roof of a nacelle… so when they talk safety they can speak from experience. “ There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning failure ” -Tina Retina Our goal is to create the same service documentation for each and every turbine, in a standardized, user-friendly format. Our engineers already have enough to think about without having to navigate convoluted directions! With this global service manual, we’re able to give the same training round the world to make sure all our technicians stay safe. Performance and target-wise we don’t distinguish between brands and expect the same safety performance when servicing all makes of turbines. Because safety comes first. It’s that simple. The post Response to the Spring Statement 2019 first appeared on Batérie .The post Response to the Spring Statement 2019 appeared first on Batérie .
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prejsť na článokV piatok 13.09.2019 o 8:30 sa začal vedecký veľtrh určený pre deti a mládež. Ani tento rok sme nesmeli chýbať aj so svojimi anténami a rádiami. Predvádzali sme KV spojenia, predviedli sme ručné rádiostanice tým najmenším zvedavcom, ukázali sme spojenia P
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