Shooting day / natáčanie tv spotu ʺideme žiť!ʺ

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Knowing Your Limits

Ethical Hunting at Extended Ranges by Mark RipleyThe subject of hunting is always one that will cause much debate, but throw in the concept of shooting any living thing at long range, and it’s sure to cause a stir, even within a group of hunters. Much of

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Introducing the Element Optics Pro Staff Program

Our Family is about to get bigger Companies are not judged solely by the products & services they provide, but also by the attitudes, ethics, sportsmanship & professionalism of the users who enjoy them. The same way that certain car manufacturers

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Portugal II

Druhy den v Ericeire fukalo ako besne, bolo zamracene a zima. Nieco v tej vode islo ale vobec sa mi do nej nechcelo. Radsej som zvolil work day, clean day a doplnenie zasob day. Po 3 tyzdnoch som navstivil miestnu cistiaren a konecne som si dal oprat. Pot

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11 Things to Consider when Choosing a Riflescope

Weigh up all your options, choose carefully by Matt DubberIf you purchase a rifle, you are more than likely going to need a scope - and while there are many fantastic makes and models available all over the world, it’s certainly not as straightforward as

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A plan comes together

The ELEMENT OPTICS story by Matt DubberGuns. Boom-Sticks. Pew Pew Pipes? Call them what you want… Every young boy grows up with an unexplainable craving to just…well…blast stuff. For me, it started at age 3 when I chewed my sandwiches into the shape of a

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