Silnice Morava, s.r.o. is headed into the hands of IMOS Brno

The completion of yet another large transaction on the domestic market was finalised by Sabina Matzenauerovás team from the Czech office of international consulting company MiddleCap. Following successful completion of the sale of both Brands Morava, a.s. and Silverton, s.r.o. in March, MiddleCap has successfully helped in completing the sale of yet another large regional player operating in the field of construction, maintenance, and reconstruction of roads Silnice Morava, s.r.o. The new owner became the joint-stock company IMOS Brno, the general contractor of a wide range of construction projects.  “So far, we are reaping the success of our work done mainly in 2020. For the sale of Silnice Morava, we worked with our colleagues Petr Panáček and Jan Vrabčák. It was a year-long transaction process which, thanks to the cooperation of both parties, led to its successful completion,” said Sabina Matzenauerová of MiddleCaps second transaction this year. “The seller was cresco&finance, a regional holding company engaged in asset management, acquisitions, real estate transactions and financing. The buyer turned out to be the major universal construction company IMOS Brno which, thanks to this acquisition, will expand its geographical coverage within the Czech Republic and supplement its existing activities as a general contractor of transport construction in a complete, vertical acquisition format.” “All our activities are focused on the quality of work, customer needs, the reduction of customer risks, environmental protection and, last but not least, occupational health and safety. Thats why Silnice Morava is the perfect fit for our portfolio,” said Robert Suchánek, CEO of IMOS Brno, commenting on the decision to purchase the company.    “We appreciate the professionalism of all parties involved in the transaction. The deal was struck during a very difficult period when COVID-19 made it virtually impossible to meet in person, resulting in negotiations that were much more time-consuming than necessary. Thats why were now all the more grateful to be able to add Silnice Morava to the IMOS Brno portfolio,” adds Robert Suchánek.   Silnice Morava has been active on the market for more than 20 years. Its main line of business is the construction, maintenance, and reconstruction of road infrastructure. The company owns a packaging plant for asphalt-concrete mixtures in Neplachovice, the Tisová Kajlovec quarry, and a mining area for aggregate dredging in Deštná.  “This is now just one of several transactions confirming our expertise and specialisation in companies that operate within the construction sector. For the time being, weve managed to uphold our 100% success rate in completing transactions,” says Sabina Matzenauerová, adding: “We currently have several more transactions in progress, and it seems 2021 could very well be a record year in terms of order volume. In the second half of the year, we expect an increase in transaction activity, which will be driven, among other things, by the sale of companies facing structural problems caused by the pandemic.” The law firm JŠK provided the seller with legal advice. The JŠK transaction team was led by partner Tomáš Doležil in cooperation with attorney-at-law Helena Hailichová and paralegal Jan Koprnický.      

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