SLOVAKIA TECH Forum Expo 2023

SLOVAKIA TECH - AI REVOLUTION IS HERE! On September 19—20, 2023, the event SlovakiaTech — AI Revolution is here! was held in Košice intended for the professional public, representatives of technological and innovative companies, public administration, universities, colleges, sciences and research, but also for students of vocational high schools and universities. The Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) was the main partner of the event. The main topics of the 5th year of the international professional conference and innovation-technological fair were: Artificial intelligence around us — healthcare, education and jobs, manufacturing and retail, creativity and society, challenges and limitations Green technologies — advanced nuclear technologies, renewable energy and storage, sustainable transport, green hydrogen, emission and waste reduction Security in technology — cyber security, hacking, identity and privacy, finance and blockchain, defense technology. At the SlovakiaTech conference, the Slovak Space Office brought a panel discussion entitled Eastern Slovakia as a driving force in the space sector. The discussion moderated by Lenka Tkáčová, PR & Event Manager of the Slovak Space Office, Šimon Mackovjak from the Institute of Experimental Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Marek Kožarík from Geodeticca Vision and Denis Sedlák from the Slovak Space Office communicated the significant success of the Eastern Slovakia region in this area. It is home to many institutions and companies that have a long history of space activities and bring practical solutions to everyday life and needs on earth. The speakers believe that the emerging Eastern Slovak Space Cluster will connect research institutions, companies, universities and state and public administration institutions with the aim of helping further technological development in the region. The post SLOVAKIA TECH Forum Expo 2023 appeared first on Slovak Space Office.

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