Standard gallery post

Praesent eu massa vel diam laoreet elementum ac sed felis. Donec suscipit ultricies risus sed mollis. Donec volutpat porta risus posuere imperdiet. Sed viverra dolor sed dolor placerat ornare ut et diam. Aliquam quis nunc quam. Maecenas feugiat dui venenatis dui convallis, a consectetur quam ornare. Proin eleifend, tellus in interdum malesuada, eros purus mattis augue, in auctor nunc ligula vel metus. Duis congue, lacus quis viverra egestas, felis elit imperdiet lorem, quis consectetur odio libero vitae sapien. Morbi ut velit tincidunt, pellentesque elit vitae, ultrices massa. Maecenas varius tellus nisi, ac consectetur est pulvinar in. Integer consequat maximus dui, vitae dignissim tortor iaculis eu. Nullam scelerisque consequat fringilla. Duis leo libero, accumsan gravida tincidunt vitae, congue in mauris. Morbi nec lorem nec urna tincidunt molestie ut id nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. The post Standard gallery post appeared first on APATrans.

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Gallery Slideshow

You can create Slideshows and Stacked galleries with Post Format: Gallery. Also you can manage add/edit/delete images any time you want. Cufo comes with huge amount of gallery options, which could be previewed from Theme Customizer. Praesent nibh massa,

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Gallery Stacked

You can create Slideshows and Stacked galleries with Post Format: Gallery. Also you can manage add/edit/delete images any time you want. Cufo comes with huge amount of gallery options, which could be previewed from Theme Customizer. Praesent nibh massa,

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Hodová slávnosť 2022

Na sviatok Navštívenia Panny Márie naša farnosť prežívala hodovú slávnosť. V sobotu 2.7.2022 sme slávili sv. omšu pri Kaplnke na Grúni a v nedeľu 3.7.2022 hodovú sv. omšu vo farskom kostole. {gallery}grun-2-7-2022{/gallery} {gallery}hody-3-7-2022{/

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Príprava na vianoce - pečenie koláčikov


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Mobilný odber krvi

„ aj Vaša krv môže zachrániť život.“ Poliklinika KRANKAS s.r.o. položila tento rok v spolupráci s Národnou transfúznou spoločnosťou  základy novej tradície mobilných odberov krvi vo svojich priestoroch. V rámci „Týždňa zdravia“ sme 17. septembra 2019 ako

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