Teacher spotlight: Nikole Bonner

Dear Students, Every month, we would like to spotlight one of our wonderful teachers. This month belongs to our latest addition , the lovely Miss Nikole Bonner. Nikole, originally from Boston, MA, USA, is a new teacher at our school but has had much experience before us . She has been a teacher for as long as she can remember. She s got a degree in Early Childhood Development and has worked with a whole rage of students. She has lived in Europe since 2018 and has loved living in Slovakia and the Czech Republic (though she thinks Slovakia has even more beautiful nature than CZ!). She decided to join LP because she wanted to have an opportunity to teach a range of students and work with such a notable school in Trencin. Nikole used to teach mostly younger students (ages 3-7), but now, at LP, she is teaching young teens, older teens and working professionals. A little fun fact to end: she s vegan, and her favourite Slovak meals are fried cauliflower and peanut-flavoured chrumky :) So here is a little introduction to Nikole, and if you ever have any questions, do not hesitate to ask her; she is just the nicest person ever!! Your L&P team :) Milí študenti, každý mesiac by Vám chceli priblížiť jedného z učiteľov našej školy. Tento mesiac patrí nášmu najnovšiemu prírastku, úžasnej Nikole Bonner. Nikole, pôvodne z Bostonu, MA, USA, je novou učiteľkou na našej škole, ale mala veľa skúseností už pred nami. Učí odkedy si pamätá. Má diplom z Early Childhood Development a pracovala s celou škálou detí. V Európe žije od roku 2018 a zatiaľ sa jej veľmi páčilo v Česku aj na Slovensku (aj keď Slovensko má podľa nej ešte krajšiu prírodu ako Česko!!) K nám do LP sa rozhodla pridať kvôli možnosti pracovať s rôznymi deťmi a stať sa súčasťou tak pozoruhodnej školy v Trenčíne. Nikole učievala hlavne mladšie deti (od 3 do 7 rokov), teraz učí ale najmä mladších teenagerov, starších teenagerov a pracujúcich dospelých. Malá zaujímavosť nakoniec: Nikole je vegánka, a jej najobľúbenejšie slovenské jedlá sú vyprážaný karfiol a arašidové chrumky :) Tak, tu je malé predstavenie Nikole, a pokiaľ máte ešte nejaké otázky, určite sa neváhajte opýtať. Je naozaj to najmilšia osoba!! Váš L&P Team:)

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