The song` Big Yellow Taxi‘

The song is called, `Big Yellow Taxi!‘ and it is a remake of Joni Mitchell`s popular song. You should listen to the song and complete the lyrics which are provided on the screen. The missing words are shown at the top of the screen to help. You can stop the recording at any time to fill in the answers and even listen to parts of the song again. You can check your answers once the activity is finished by pressing the check button. The level is for pre intermediate students and above. Please click here to begin Príspevok The song` Big Yellow Taxi‘ zobrazený najskôr Small Danube Language Academy.

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It is  a song for young children describing the sounds that animals make. This song  help learn  English phonics. My own kids loved this one, particularly when the lion roars! Please click here Príspevok Music zobrazený najskôr Small Danube Langu

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Taxi služby

Potrebujete rýchlu a spoľahlivú prepravu? Alebo nemáte vlastné auto a inú možnosť prepravy? Potom je taxi služba pre Vás užitočná! Taxi služby sú pohodlné a zabezpečujú vám vyhnúť sa starostiam spojených s hľadaním parkovacieho miesta alebo s cestovaním h

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Drift CUP info a registrácia pre rok 2018

Aj tento rok môžete vidieť na Car at Tuningu dych berúce súboje nie len slovenských driftérov. Tento rok opäť očakávame medzinárodnú účasť. Taktiež nebude chýbať DRIFT TAXI a voľný pohyb návštevníkov v depe jazdcov, samozrejme vás prosíme o maximálnu opat

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Brushing your teeth may keep your heart healthy

The bacteria in our mouths may hold the key to many facets of our health. Researchers have found intriguing clues about pancreatic and esophageal cancer risk in mouth bacteria, and some studies have linked poor oral hygiene with respiratory problems. Moun

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Oscar Wilde Yellow Sunset

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea c

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