Zákazka pre NATO a miliónový kontrakt s európskou agentúrou – kontrakty o ktorých sníva nejeden podnikateľský subjekt. Nášmu členovi, spoločnosti Aliter Technologies, ktorá podniká v oblasti zbrojárstva a zaoberá sa segmentom komunikačno-informačných systémov sa to podarilo. Technologická IT spoločnosť Aliter Technologies má kanadské korene a jej služby a produkty využívajú nadnárodné zbrojárske koncerny, ale aj medzinárodné organizácie ako Severoatlantická aliancia. „Boli sme na Slovensku prvá firma, ktorá mala kontrakt s NATO a odvtedy sme so Severoatlantickou alianciou uzavreli viac ako tridsiatku kontraktov,“ prezradil pre Forbes generálny riaditeľ firmy Ján Grujbár. Práve posledný biznis Aliter Technologies s NATO bol v hodnote 30 miliónov. Viac informácií nájdete v článku prestížneho týždenníka Forbes. A contract with NATO and a million-dollar business with a European agency contracts that many business entities dreams of. Our member, Aliter Technologies, which operates in the field of weaponry and deals with the segment of communication and information systems, succeeded in doing so. The technological IT company Aliter Technologies has Canadian roots and its services and products are used by multinational arms concerns, but also by international organizations such as the North-Atlantic Alliance. We were the first company in Slovakia to have a contract with NATO, and since then we have concluded more than thirty contracts with the North Atlantic Alliance, Ján Grujbár, CEO of the company, revealed to Forbes. The last business of Aliter Technologies with NATO was worth 30 million. You can find more information in the article of the prestigious Forbes magazine. The post V KYBERNETICKEJ BEZPEČNOSTI VIE CHODIŤ AJ NÁŠ ČLEN TECHNOLOGICKÝ GIGANT ALITER TECHNOLOGIES | OUR MEMBER TECHNOLOGY GIANT ALITER TECHNOLOGIES KNOWS CYBER SECURITY AS WELL first appeared on Britcham | The British Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic.

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