Vimeo Video

Príspevok Vimeo Video zobrazený najskôr RumanovskyDental.

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History of James Bond Video

Watch and listen to the video about James Bond. The first time you watch just listen to get a general idea of what the video is about. When you have watched the video, scroll down the page and read the questions. Watch the video again and listen for the a

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Street Football

The video is about street football Watch the video and listen to the information. You can watch the video more than once. When you have watched the video, scroll down and answer the questions. Choose the best answer (A, B,C) for each question. This is for

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Life in the United Kingdom (UK Citizenship) Test

2nd Page: Watch the video about the Life in the United Kingdom (UK Citizenship) Test. The first time you watch just listen to get a general idea of what the video is about. When you have watched the video, scroll down and read the questions in Task 3 Watc

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Transformačno relaxačný pobyt Rozsutec video

Transformačno relaxačný pobyt Rozsutec video Zharmonizujte myseľ, telo, emócie! Zážitok, ktorý ostane v srdci navždy! Viac informácií o pobyte tu The post Transformačno relaxačný pobyt Rozsutec video appeared first on Harmónia v sebe.

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