We have been ranked by Chambers and Partners

We are pleased to announce that MCL law firm has been ranked by Chambers and Partners, the prestigious guide to the world’s best law firms, among the best law firms in Slovakia again, for the year 2023. Congratulations to our partner, Vojtech Pálinkáš, the leader of BAND 1 in Real Estate and BAND 2 in M&A/Corporate ranked by Chambers & Europe 2024. We would like to thank the entire dynamic, diverse, and talented MCL team for their excellent work and our clients for their trust and the opportunity to advise them on their interesting deals and projects Príspevok We have been ranked by Chambers and Partners je zobrazený ako prvý na AKMCL.

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The IFLR 1000 rankings for 2023 are out!

We are pleased to announce that our law firm has been ranked by the IFLR 1000 in the year 2023 among the best law firms in the area of M&A and Banking&Finance in Slovakia. MCL has been recognized for its work in these sectors for the third consecu

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Vianočné sviatky a Nový rok

Prajeme Vám krásne prežitie vianočných sviatkov, príjemnú atmosféru v kruhu blízkych, šťastie a lásku po celý Nový rok 2024! Sme tu pre Vás od 03.01.2024. Ďakujeme za spoluprácu a prajeme veľa osobných a pracovných úspechov a dobrej energie. Tím

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Zúčastnili sme sa na seminári pre druhú generáciu rodinných podnikov

Nedávno sa naši kolegovia Matej Firický a Kamila Turčanová zúčastnili na ďalšom zo seminárov pre druhú generáciu rodinných podnikov. Seminár bol organizovaný v spolupráci s našimi partnermi Subin & Partners Family Office a FONDATI & PARTNERS, s. r

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Mauris vitae magna maximus

Maecenas pharetra risus sit amet gravida fermentum. Mauris vitae magna maximus, tempus neque ac, feugiat velit. Etiam a enim nec quam fringilla cursus. In porttitor elit mi, at tempor lorem fringilla vitae. Proin in egestas purus. Cras vestibulum efficitu

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Etiam ultrices mollis faucibus

Maecenas pharetra risus sit amet gravida fermentum. Mauris vitae magna maximus, tempus neque ac, feugiat velit. Etiam a enim nec quam fringilla cursus. In porttitor elit mi, at tempor lorem fringilla vitae. Proin in egestas purus. Cras vestibulum efficitu

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