Why Marketing and Human Relations have the same roots and how to prepare well for coincidences

Eight questions to Sabine Riedel, our board member responsible for the Marketing and Human Relations departments.

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Human Resource Management (HRM) – Importance Functions

Excerpt Human resource management (HRM) is more than just personnel management. It encompasses all areas of an organization's human capital. Learn more about its importance, functions and future development.

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Čo je SEO marketing a prečo by ho mala realizovať aj vaša spoločnosť?

Pojem SEO marketing môžeme definovať ako súhrn marketingových aktivít, ktorých cieľom je dosahovanie lepších pozícií vo fulltextových vyhľadávačoch, ako napríklad Google. Inými slovami, SEO marketing predstavuje dlhodobú činnosť, resp. proces skladajúci s

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Risk Management – Process, Analysis and Methods

Risk management is an essential component of GRC alongside corporate governance. This is how you prepare your company for risks and recognize opportunities.

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Prepare a room for painting

Working from home meant we could vary snack and coffee breaks, change our desks or view, goof off, drink on the job, even spend the day in pajamas, and often meet to gossip or share ideas. On the other hand, we bossed ourselves around, set impossible goal

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Je váš digitálny marketing funkčný?

Online marketing aj vďaka lockdownom zvýšil svoju dôležitosť a mnohé firmy sa na neho musia spoľahnúť. Ste si istí, že váš digitálny marketing je maximálne účinný a funguje tak, ako by mal? Preto som pripravil základné rady, ako sa na svoju digitálnu stra

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