Zero waste

Zero waste je koncept, pri ktorom nevzniká žiadny odpad a nič neputuje na skládky či do zariadení na energetické využívanie odpadu (ZEVO). Podľa tohto cieľa by sa malo dať všetko zrecyklovať a znova použiť. Ide o jednu zo základných filozofií tvoriacich cirkulárnu ekonomiku. Zatiaľ je to vizionársky cieľ, ktorý má viesť ľudí k zmene ich životného štýlu a k zvráteniu trendu narastajúcej produkcie odpadu na obyvateľa. Skladá sa z piatich na seba nadväzujúcich krokov: Odmietnuť, čo nepotrebujeme Zredukovať, čo potrebujeme Znovu použiť, čo sme spotrebovali Recyklovať, čo nie je možné znovu použiť Skompostovať zvyšok Príspevok Zero waste je zobrazený ako prvý na GreenTalk.

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Chocal declares war on plastic waste (02.2022 - SG Magazin)

The packaging specialists at Chocal have developed a technology that allows sustainable barrier materials to be shaped and used as high-quality, safe packaging for food and non-food products. The materials are easily recyclable as well as compostable, hel

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Use of bottom sediments 

In order to find out the method of evaluation of bottom sediments, it is necessary to ensure accredited sampling of sediments, analytical control of sediments with a focus on dangerous properties. Based on the results of the analyses, an expert opinion on

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Savings and wrapping technology (E-Paper - International Confectionery Ausgabe 2022-03)

Sustainability – a word which has become part of our daily life. No matter if it is about sustainable technologies, saving energy or reducing waste – the consumers’ willingness to contribute to a better future for our planet is obvious. The market needs t

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Embracing Sustainable Beauty: Nurturing Ourselves and the Planet

In an era marked by increasing environmental consciousness, the concept of sustainability has extended its reach into various facets of our lives, including the realm of beauty. Sustainable beauty, an innovative and conscientious approach to personal care

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