Zoznam, ktorý poukazuje na veľkosť rizika islamského terorizmu

2016  2498, 59, 21363, 26730 2017  2044, 61, 16386, 14360 2018  1475, 51,  8818, 9170 Tieto čísla sú štatistika, ktorá je desivá svojou anonymitou, ignoráciou verejnosti a globálnym rozšírením. Je to štatistika zo stránky The Religion of Peace, ktorá eviduje islamské útoky. [sociallocker][/sociallocker] Je to bilancia Náboženstva Mieru za roky 2016, 2017, 2018. K štatistike ďalej pridávame aj čísla za posledných 30 letných dní a z augusta roku 2018. Kto chce, uverí že ide o aktuálny problém, kto nechce, stále bude hovoriť, že sa nič nedeje. Zoznam teroristických útokov vo svete motivovaných islamom Od 23.9.2018 do 25.8.2018 bolo zaznamenaných 723 úmrtí, ktoré boli priamo motivované islamom. V zozname sa nachádzajú aj vraždy zo cti (honor killing), keďže 90% všetkých vrážd je spôsobených moslimami za mlčania náboženských predstaviteľov. Všetky udalosti sú kolektované z dennej tlače a overované. Pokiaľ sa ukáže, že nejde o nábožensky motivovaný útok, udalosť je vymazaná zo zoznamu. Týchto prípadov je však mizivé percento. Prakticky všetky udalosti v tomto zozname ostávajú, pretože niet pochybností, že ich zdrojom bolo náboženské presvedčenie aktérov. Od 11.9.2001, keď začala stránka zaznamenávať nábožensky motivované útoky, eviduje 33864 mŕtvych. Ale ako hovoria predstavitelia SaS, máme si na to zvyknúť [tabs slidertype=top tabs] [tabcontainer] [tabtext]posledných 30 dní[/tabtext] [tabtext]August 2018[/tabtext][tabtext]2018[/tabtext] [tabtext]2017[/tabtext] [tabtext]2016[/tabtext][/tabcontainer] [tabcontent] [tab]124 islamských útokov v 21 krajinách, kde umrelo 723 ľudí a 768 bolo zranených[/tab] [tab]164 islamských útokov v 27 krajinách, kde umrelo 868 ľudí a 806 bolo zranených. Samovražedných útokov bolo v auguste 16[/tab] [tab]1475 islamských útokov v 51 krajinách, kde umrelo 8818 ľudí a 9170 bolo zranených[/tab] [tab]2044 islamských útokov v 61 krajinách, kde umrelo 16836 ľudí a 14360 bolo zranených[/tab] [tab]2498 islamských útokov v 59 krajinách, kde umrelo 21363 ľudí a 26730 bolo zranených[/tab] [/tabcontent] [/tabs] Úplná štatistika za posledných tridsať dní aj s popisom Dátum Krajina Mesto Zabitých Zranených Popis 2018.09.23 Iraq Athba 1 0 A man is murdered in his own home by the Islamic State. 2018.09.22 DRC Beni 16 5 Sixteen people are masscared when ADF Islamists invade a village. 2018.09.22 Iran Ahvaz 29 60 Over two dozen people are a military parade are massacred by Sunni terrorists. 2018.09.21 Iraq Maflaka 2 1 Religious radicals assassinate a towns mayor in his home along with a bystander. 2018.09.21 Afghanistan Shirin Tagab 8 6 Eight young children are vaporized by a Taliban bomb. 2018.09.21 India Kapran 3 1 Three off-duty cops are dragged out of their homes by Muslim terrorists and shot to death. 2018.09.21 Syria Sarmin 1 0 A man is killed by suspected Ahrar al-Sham. 2018.09.20 Mozambique Paqueue 12 14 Fourteen villagers are slaughtered by a pro-Sharia group, including two who are burned alive. 2018.09.20 Syria Idlib 4 0 Terrorists murder four civilians in two attacks. 2018.09.20 Afghanistan Ghazni 5 2 Five local police are murdered by armed fundamentalists. 2018.09.19 Iraq Kirkuk 1 7 An Islamic State bomb blast claims a civilian life. 2018.09.19 Iraq Riyadh 2 0 Two ISIS kidnap victims are found brutally executed. 2018.09.19 Pakistan Qila Saifullah 2 0 Two guards at a market are gunned down by terrorists on motorcycles. 2018.09.18 Iraq Riyadh 1 0 A journalist is kidnapped, blindfolded and shot in the head by the Islamic State. 2018.09.18 Afghanistan Chahar Bolak 9 0 A cowardly attack by a Taliban in uniform leaves nine unarmed cops dead. 2018.09.18 Iraq Hawija 5 5 Mujahideen blow up a bus, killing five Iraqis. 2018.09.18 Mali Tidinbawen 2 3 Jihadists successfully kill two people with a roadside bomb. 2018.09.18 Nigeria Konduga 6 0 Boko Haram set three villages on fire, killing six residents. 2018.09.17 India Kulgam 1 0 Religion of Peace activists barge into a home and shoot a resident in the head. 2018.09.17 Afghanistan Warmami 8 3 Eight members of a family are wiped out in their own home by a Jihadist rocket. 2018.09.17 Syria Suwayda 1 1 Terrorists gun down a civilian. 2018.09.17 Nigeria Rann 1 0 A female Red Cross worker and mother of two is murdered in captivity by Boko Haram. 2018.09.17 Afghanistan Farah 17 0 A series of Taliban attacks leave seventeen dead. 2018.09.17 Afghanistan Qali-e-now 5 0 Fundamentalists exterminate five local cops. 2018.09.16 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 A man and his son are taken down in a targeted attacky by Sunni hardliners. 2018.09.16 Israel Gush Etzion 1 0 A Jewish American is stabbed to death at the shopping mall by a Palestinian terrorist. 2018.09.16 Iraq Mosul 18 0 A mass grave is discovered containing eighteen women and children murdered by the Islamic State. 2018.09.16 Syria Jarabulus 1 6 A suicide bomber goes off at a bus stop, killing a child. 2018.09.15 Afghanistan Khalazai 4 4 Four locals are shredded by Taliban shrapnel. 2018.09.15 Pakistan Gujaranwala 1 0 A man dies in the hospital after being sprayed with acid in an attack targeting him over his Christian faith. 2018.09.15 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 Islamists attach a car bomb to a vehicle, killing the driver. 2018.09.15 Iraq Hawija 2 1 Two Iraqis are murdered by the Islamic State. 2018.09.14 Nigeria Bulama Kururi 10 0 At least ten villagers are purged when Boko Haram gunmen open up on them. 2018.09.14 Somalia Bosaso 2 0 Islamists bring down two university graduates at close range with handguns. 2018.09.14 Afghanistan Nawbahar 8 3 Eight Afghans are shot to death by Muslim extremists. 2018.09.14 Kenya Sebanal 2 0 Two bus passengers are executed after being unable to recite from the Quran. 2018.09.14 France Nimes Feria 0 2 A man yelling praises to Allah plows his car into a crowd. 2018.09.14 Afghanistan Dara-i-Suf Paen 7 17 Religious radicals stage a terror attack that leaves seven dead, including a woman. 2018.09.14 Burkina Faso Kompienga 3 0 Three members of a single family are shot to death by Islamic extremists. 2018.09.14 Burkina Faso Diabiga 6 0 Radicalized Muslims target a rival mosque, killing the imam and five others. 2018.09.14 Nigeria Adamawa 35 0 Women and children drown while trying to flee a Muslim terror attack. 2018.09.13 Syria Janobi 1 2 A suicide bomber claims a civilian. 2018.09.13 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 2 One person succumbs to injury following a suicide car bombing. 2018.09.13 Kenya Shamu 1 0 An elderly man is gunned down by al-Shabaab. 2018.09.13 Iraq Hawija 4 0 Four ISIS kidnap victims are discovered tortured to death. 2018.09.13 Afghanistan Farah 29 6 A brutal attack by the Taliban leaves thirty Afghans dead. 2018.09.13 Nigeria Adamawa 18 0 A pastor and nine women are among eighteen innocents slain by Muslim terrorists. 2018.09.13 Afghanistan Samangan 6 0 Sunni hardliners attack a police post, killing six members. 2018.09.12 Kenya Ukanda 1 0 Islamists shoot a 45-year-old man five times. 2018.09.12 Iraq Shargat 1 2 Jihadi car bombers murder a civilian. 2018.09.12 Afghanistan Herat 6 1 Six are left dead after a series of Taliban attacks. 2018.09.12 Syria Manbij 1 2 Terrorists kill one person outside a hospital. 2018.09.12 Iraq Hajaj 6 42 A suicide bomber takes out a half-dozen restaurant patrons in mid-bite. 2018.09.11 Thailand Pattani 2 4 Muslim militants ambush a security patrol, killing two members. 2018.09.11 Syria Raqqa 1 0 ISIS explosives claim the life of one civilian. 2018.09.11 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 4 A child is obliterated by fundamentalist shrapnel outside a girls school. 2018.09.11 Afghanistan Jalalabad 68 165 A suicide bomber blows himself up among a group of protesters, laying out over sixty. 2018.09.10 Iraq Sharqat 1 0 Three suicide bombers manage to kill just one other person. 2018.09.10 Iraq Rutba 1 2 A civilian bleeds to death following an ISIS bomb blast. 2018.09.10 Afghanistan Yakhchal 6 6 Six family members are laid out by a mortar attack on their home. 2018.09.10 India Muniwar 1 0 Suspected militants shoot a civilian to death in his car. 2018.09.10 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 Hashd al-Shaabi is suspected of shooting a teenager to death on the street. 2018.09.10 Libya Tripoli 2 10 Islamic State gunmen invade an oil corporation headquarters, kiilling two staff members. 2018.09.10 Afghanistan Dashti Archi 13 15 A Taliban attack leaves thirteen dead. 2018.09.10 Afghanistan Dara Suf 14 6 Fundamentalist Muslims ambush and kill fourteen police and civilians. 2018.09.10 Afghanistan Sari Pul 17 3 Seventeen local security personnel lose their lives to a Taliban attack. 2018.09.10 Somalia Hodan 6 16 Suicide car bombers destroy six lives. 2018.09.10 Iraq Haditha 2 5 Two others are killed when a suicide bomber strikes a hospital. 2018.09.10 Iraq Hawija 2 0 Two civilians are picked off by ISIS snipers. 2018.09.09 Afghanistan Khamyab 8 3 Eight Afghans lose their lives to a terrorist attack. 2018.09.09 Afghanistan Farah 4 0 A shocking attack by religious fanatics on a police checkpoint leaves four dead. 2018.09.09 Syria Mouhardeh 10 0 Two girls are among ten lives destroyed by a Sunni rocket attack on a Christian neighborhood. 2018.09.09 Thailand Narathiwat 2 2 Two unfortunates are shot to death by Islamic militants. 2018.09.09 Afghanistan Kabul 7 25 A suicide bomber on a motorcycle targets a memoria, taking seven other souls with him. 2018.09.08 Nigeria Gudumbali 8 0 At least eight civilians are killed when Boko Haram takes over a small town. 2018.09.08 Afghanistan Herat 9 6 A fundamentalist group attacks a police checkpoint and kills nine officers. 2018.09.08 Syria Naima 1 0 Sunni shrapnel claims a civilian. 2018.09.08 Afghanistan Kansak 1 0 A tribal elder is abducted and murdered by Islamic militants. 2018.09.07 Pakistan Nasoowal 4 0 Two children are among an entire family wiped out in an honor killing. 2018.09.07 Afghanistan Badghis 11 0 A Taliban attack leaves eleven dead. 2018.09.07 Afghanistan Narkh 4 0 Four civilians are successfully taken out by a Taliban explosive. 2018.09.06 Afghanistan Ab Kamari 11 6 An Islamic Emirates attack leaves eleven dead. 2018.09.06 Afghanistan Khwaja Ghar 8 0 A Taliban in police uniform opens fire on eight sleeping officers, killing them all. 2018.09.06 Pakistan Tehkal 2 0 A secular politician and his nephew are gunned down by terrorists. 2018.09.06 Iraq Diyala 2 5 Suspected Islamic State gunmen take out two Iraqis along a highway. 2018.09.06 Nigeria Gana-Ropp 5 0 Five miners are murdered by Muslim terrorists. 2018.09.06 Nigeria Nding Suisut 2 2 Two villagers are cut down by Miyetti Allah gunmen. 2018.09.05 Burkina Faso Kompienga 2 5 Two Burkinese are laid out by Jihadi bombers. 2018.09.05 Afghanistan Ghor 3 2 Three guards for a wheat convoy are murdered by the Taliban. 2018.09.05 India Hajidarpora 1 0 A laborer is killed during a shooting attack by militant Muslims. 2018.09.05 Afghanistan Kabul 26 91 Twenty-four civilians and two journalists are cut down by a Sunni suicide bomber at a gym frequented by Shiites. 2018.09.05 CAR Bria 42 0 Over forty Christians, mainly women, are massacred by Muslims armed with machetes. 2018.09.04 Afghanistan Miranzayee 1 0 A police chief is killed by a Taliban roadside bomb. 2018.09.04 Iraq Abu Karma 1 0 A farmer working his garden is exterminated by an ISIS bomb blast. 2018.09.04 Afghanistan Qala-i-Now 2 4 Two local cops are killed by suspected Taliban. 2018.09.04 Nigeria Gwoza 2 25 Boko Haram attack a bus, kill two passengers and abduct two dozen others. 2018.09.03 Afghanistan Paktia 4 6 At least four Afghan security personnal are killed during an overnight assault by fundamentalists. 2018.09.03 Iraq Albu Shaher 7 1 Seven residents are killed when the Islamic State fires into houses. 2018.09.03 Iraq Khanouka 1 3 An 80-year-old man is shot to death by the Islamic State. 2018.09.02 Pakistan Kurram 1 0 A border guards life is cut short by Taliban gunmen. 2018.09.02 Philippines Isulan 1 15 Muslim militants set off a bomb outside an Internet café, killing one. 2018.09.02 Somalia Mogadishu 7 14 Two children are among a group of seven blown into pieces by a suicide bomber. 2018.09.02 Iraq Beiji 3 2 Three farmers are plowed under by Jihadi bombers. 2018.09.02 Libya Tripoli 4 7 A militia sends a rocket into a refugee camp, clearing out four residents. 2018.09.02 Nigeria Latya 13 12 Miyetti Allah gunmen roll into a village and shoot a dozen people dead. 2018.09.02 Iraq Zekheikha 2 3 Islamic State members sneak up on a group of villagers and shoot two dead. 2018.09.01 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 1 0 A prayer leader is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals. 2018.09.01 Syria Aleppo 1 20 A suicide car bomber exterminates a civilian bystander. 2018.08.31 Philippines Sirawai 4 2 Suspected Abu Sayyaf murder four people and kidnap two others. 2018.08.31 Netherlands Amsterdam 0 2 Two American tourists are stabbed at a train station by a Muslim refugee. 2018.08.31 Egypt Minya 0 3 A Muslim mob attacks Christian homes on a rumor that a church was planned. 2018.08.31 Somalia Afgoye 3 7 Three Somalis lose their lives to an attack by al-Shabaab. 2018.08.31 India Purba Burdwan 1 0 A woman is strangled and mutilated by her family for being in a relationship with a Hindu man. 2018.08.30 Nigeria Zari 48 19 Boko Haram overrun a local security base and massacre forty-eight personnel. 2018.08.30 Afghanistan Farah 1 0 The head of airport security is assassinated by suspected Islamists. 2018.08.30 Afghanistan Mohmand 5 3 Five border guards are shredded by a fundamentalist bomber. 2018.08.30 Iraq Shoura 8 0 Six children are among a family of eight brutally wiped out in their own home by ISIS gunmen. 2018.08.30 Thailand Muang 2 1 A woman is among two people shot to death at a market by Muslim insurgents. 2018.08.30 Iraq Abbasi 2 3 A suicide car bomber takes out two Iraqis. 2018.08.29 Syria Afrin 2 18 Women and children are among the casualties of a marketplace bomb blast. 2018.08.29 Kenya Lamu 5 10 Five border guards bleed out following an al-Shabaab landmine attack. 2018.08.29 Iraq Ozem 2 0 Two passport officials are assassinated by Mujahideen. 2018.08.29 Iraq Udheim 2 0 ISIS open fire on a passing vehicle, killing two passengers. 2018.08.29 Afghanistan Herat 1 6 A civilian is cut down by a Sunni bomb blast. 2018.08.29 Iraq Qaim 11 16 Eleven people at a traffic stop are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. 2018.08.29 India Arahom 4 0 Jaish-e-Muhammad fire on a police escort vehicle point-blank, killing four officers. 2018.08.28 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 8 0 A pastor, his wife, and three children are among eight people burned or shot to death by Fulani terrorists. 2018.08.28 Yemen Abyan 5 4 An al-Qaeda ambush on a checkpoint leaves five dead. 2018.08.28 Iraq Bahiza 1 0 A civilian is kidnapped and murdered by the Islamic State. 2018.08.28 Burkina Faso Pama 8 0 A roadside bomb destroys a passing vehicle, along with eight lives. 2018.08.28 Philippines Isulan 2 37 Islamic bombers send shrapnel through a crowd at a festival, killing two innocents including a 7-year-old girl. 2018.08.28 Afghanistan Halalzo 3 0 Three civilians are disintegrated by fundamentalist shrapnel. 2018.08.27 Tajikistan Panj River 2 1 A dozen terrorists open fire on forest rangers, killing two. 2018.08.27 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Terrorists shoot two civilians to death in separate attacks. 2018.08.27 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Two off-duty air force personnel are shot dead by suspected Taliban. 2018.08.26 Afghanistan Kunar 3 4 Islamic Emirate gunmen fire on a road security crew, killing three. 2018.08.26 Iraq Abu Sayda 1 0 A woman tending her farm is leveled by an ISIS mortar round. 2018.08.26 Thailand Muang 1 1 Muslim insurgents shoot a 14-year-old boy at a grocery. 2018.08.26 Pakistan Punjab 2 0 An unmarried couple is gunned down for honor by the womans family. 2018.08.25 Iraq Mansouriya 1 2 Mujahid bombers take out a civilian. 2018.08.25 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 8 A suicide bomber kills three people outside an election commission. 2018.08.25 Egypt Arish 4 10 Four local cops are killed when fundamentalists attack their checkpoint. 2018.08.25 India Keran 1 0 Islamic terrorists kill a border guard with a planted mine. 2018.08.25 Iraq Abu Najm 1 0 Two terrorists blow up a shepherd. 2018.08.25 Lebanon Minieh 1 0 A man is murdered and mutilated in a supermarket parking lot by a cleric who accused him of blasphemy.

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Riešenie terorizmu v Jeruzaleme

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Seminár na tému „Diskvalifikácia, riziká a zodpovednosť štatutárnych orgánov“

Mgr. Ing. Rastislav Keller bol hlavným prednášajúcim na dvojdňovom seminári na tému „Diskvalifikácia, riziká a zodpovednosť štatutárnych orgánov“ organizovaného spoločnosťou BS Partner, s.r.o. v Gerlachove. The post Seminár na tému „Diskvalifikácia, rizik

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