SpinaliS office chair is a premium ergonomic chair, that offers active sitting. Active sitting activates the muscles and keeps the right sitting position.
We spend one-third of our life in a sitting position. Therefore, it is essential to choose a chair to adjust to our body and enable healthy sitting. When choosing an ergonomic office chair for work from home or students doing their homework, we need to pa
Besides an excellent ergonomic chair, we need to pay attention to the adequate placement of the workspace. We can do this in five simple steps and without additional costs. Adjust the office chair to the desk. Place your forearms and wrists on the d
SpinaliS is important for preventive measures The idea of constructing a chair with a moving base or moving seat seems to me to be one of the very important things in preventing the degeneration of the discs. Because of the constant movement of the s
Zamisel o stolu z gibljivo sedalno površino je pomembno vplivala na preprečevanje degeneracije diskov med vretenci hrbtenice. Dinamična površina stola sili mišice v hrbtu k nenehni aktivnosti.
S hribolazci se pogosto hecamo, kdaj gremo na Stol!? In vedno se najde nekdo, ki reče, da je danes že bil. Kot tudi včeraj in bo spet jutri – doma, na stolu. Zapreš oči, se usedeš na Spinalisov model Rodeo in se počutiš vse drugo bolj kot na stolu. Pot
Try this chair, your back will thank you SpinaliS is designed to correct improper posture. It is perfect for people who work sitting all day. It provides support to the spine and improves posture, which is necessary for people who suffer from lower bac
I can very positively grade the use of the SpinaliS chair I use SpinaliS in my work in the eye clinic and for eye surgeries. In the clinic I have a lot of movements that especially strains the lumbar part of the spine. The great flexibility of Spina
I recommend the chair to all who sit a long time Society is becoming sedentary, children sit in school and at home. They sit while doing their homework, sit at computers for hours or while watching TV. The same applies to adults and the elderly. We h
SpinaliS chair allows continuous movement of the pelvis In the last decade factories have produced a wide variety of chairs (Gugu chair) and devices (ball, wedge-shaped pillow) to make it easier to sit longer without pain. Sitting must be repeatedly in
SpinaliS allows for an active body in the correct position SpinaliS due to its moveability optimally meet the child’s need for movement also during medical treatment. It allows for an active body in the correct position, which is a necessary starting p