Sameli Buildings, s.r.o. I Rekonštrukcia bytových jadier & stavby na kľúč

Rekonštrukcia bytových jadier, kúpeľní, prestavba nebytových priestorov, stavby na kľúč a menšie stavebné úpravy v interiéri a exteriéri

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Hello world!

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Hidden Barriers to Construction Innovation

Form Us With Love recently created the Nest Collection for +Halle. The series provides an unpronounced divider to the traditional lounge area, by simply creating layers of both high and low seating. The heights offers a sense of privacy, whilst maintainin

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Drones Building ROI at Construction Sites

Archtober is accepting nominations for projects to be included in New York Citys month-long festival of architecture and design. Each day in October 2016, the event will feature a Building of the Day as a noon-time, architect-led tour. Building of the Day

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New Elevation and Volume Tools for Mining and Construction

The winners have been announced for the Bee Breeders Tokyo Pop Lab architecture competition. The competition brief called for the design of a new program for the study and production of pop culture media. The unique and original nature of the brief result

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Construction Evolution

The post Construction Evolution appeared first on Sameli Buildings, s.r.o..

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San Francisco Should Always Have a Subway Under Construction

A couple of years ago, I was with my friend Adam Cohn when he made this simple yet important declaration — “San Francisco should always have a subway under construction.” My first reaction was to think of every possible objection to the concept — too expe

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CLIO Image Awards 2016 Event Images The post CLIO Image Awards 2016 Event Images appeared first on Sameli Buildings, s.r.o..

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Smart Construction Sites with Connected Sensors

L A M P (Lighting Architecture Movement Project) is calling for entries for its fourth annual international lighting design competition. The competition challenges designers to approach their light fixtures with the guidance of a singular word. This years

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Measuring Construction Project Success

We have created full CG visuals for Nautilus manufacturer of glass tables. We focused on the visual authenticity and overall believability of catalogue pictures. Some of sitting furniture were scanned. We have created full CG visuals for Na

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W. H. Auden

We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I dont know. The post W. H. Auden appeared first on Sameli Buildings, s.r.o..

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