A winter journey the warmth of a tasty barbecue

PRESS RELEASE A winter journey through America the Orient - Rediscover the world with the MOGUNTIA Food Trends In a time where the costs of a world trip are too high to discover every country by yourself, exploring the world with the MOGUNTIA FOOD TRENDS is the perfect solution for everyone. Just like in the hot summer, the barbecue remains more and more often one of the preferred cooking methods for many consumers, even in winter. They appreciate being enveloped by the warmth of a cosy fire together with their loved ones, where they can prepare various dishes on the grill. Grilling or BBQ is a classic of American cuisine, which according to an internal survey, is highly appreciated by 81 % of German consumers, as it is a combination of food without restrictions and numerous regional American BBQ styles. Especially in winter, BBQ can really shine with its many different smoking techniques and strong flavours that give dishes that special something. The use of different types of wood, such as hickory, walnut, beech and fruitwood, which have a decisive influence on the flavour, as well as the use of spices, such as hot peppers, chilli and smoked coriander, which characterise this cuisine, are particularly noteworthy. In response to these trends, the MOGUNTIA FOOD GROUP has developed a range of BBQ products that bring the smoke flavour even more into focus during winter barbecues or set it apart as an independent flavour. Smokey BBQ Sauce | G73930 With the Smokey BBQ Sauce | G73930, MOGUNTIA offers the perfect interplay of distinct smoky notes and slightly fruity as well as sweet and sour flavours to spice up dishes with a shiny look in a strong and international way. American BBQ Spice | G74020 The dry spice mix American BBQ Spice | G74020 is the perfect way to bring the intense smoky flavour of the winter barbecue season directly to the meat, giving you that typical American BBQ feeling. For many people, however, winter is also directly associated with all the traditions and customs surrounding the most popular celebration of the year Christmas. The roots of the Christian family celebration of the Holy Family show its clear oriental origins in some of its details: from the birth of Jesus in the manger of Bethlehem in present-day Palestine, to the oriental clothing of the time, to the gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense given by the Magi to the newborn Jesus. All this leads to the traditional oriental aromas and spices that are used during Advent and are now known around the world as the winter favourites of the Christmas season. The MOGUNTIA FOOD GROUP would like to introduce a Christmas Original this year with its new trend magazine Orient, in line with the consumer trend of relaxed dining with friends and family, which aims to bring people together with their loved ones in a relaxed atmosphere and to share good food. With a view to the oriental origins of Christmas, authentic oriental flavours are brought to the fore to inspire creativity in the kitchen and help people to create beautiful memories in a merry circle. DEKORA® Piri Piri Brillant | G59830 With an extra portion of spice & heat, MOGUNTIA offers here the marinade DEKORA® Piri Piri Brilliant | G59830, which gives a brilliant reddish-brown look & a strong chilli flavour and is very easy to combine with unusual ingredients such as pineapple, avocado or sweet potato to create original oriental recipes or trendy skewers! AROMETTE® Jiao Yan | M425610 The new “AROMETTE® Jiao Yan | M425610” is a newcomer to the trendy kitchen. With oriental influences of cinnamon and light notes of ginger and turmeric, it offers a real taste experience and is quickly becoming a favourite with consumers thanks to its fresh, tasty and colourful appearance. MOGUNTIA FOOD GROUP is excited to bring a whole new dimension of winter BBQ to the table. Our outstanding BBQ and oriental influences create a unique link between the cool winter months and rustic barbecue pleasures. Our creations feature intense smoky notes that create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Paired with traditional oriental flavours, the result is a culinary journey that engages the senses and invigorates the spirit. Discover with us a new way of winter barbecuing, where pleasure and tradition merge in a harmonious unity, says Miguel Rosch, Head of Marketing Germany at MOGUNTIA FOOD GROUP. About MOGUNTIA: The MOGUNTIA FOOD GROUP is a family-run company in the 4th generation, which has specialised in spices, marinades, and sauces with a wide range of products. With more than 100 years of experience, the MOGUNTIA FOOD GROUP is a reliable partner for the butchers trade, the food retail, the meat & food industry, as well as the gastronomy. The products are made from high-quality ingredients and are designed to stimulate creativity in the kitchen. Download Contact Person Press Mail: [email protected] Tel.: +496131 583655 Der Beitrag A winter journey | the warmth of a tasty barbecue erschien zuerst auf MOGUNTIA.

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Trend magazine Pacific

TREND MAGAZINE PACIFIC Around the world with the MOGUNTIA Food Trends

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