Preservation Issues of Architecture from the Second Half of the Twentieth Century

Late Modernist architectural works are confronted with an ambivalent situation between heritage acknowledgement and physical destruction. The text aims to explain the growing interest in their protection as a natural evolution of monument preservation, yet simultaneously questions the effectiveness of current procedures regarding the specifics of the given architecture. The Mäusebunker case study illustrates an approach of institutionalized preservation in terms of an architectural strategy of adaptive reuse, focusing more on the preservation of principle than of the image. It presents a method of working with post-war architecture that focuses on its active engagement with contemporary life within the values of sustainability. The post Preservation Issues of Architecture from the Second Half of the Twentieth Century appeared first on Architektúra & Urbanizmus - JOURNAL.

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Novinka s galériou

T he term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary elements. Minimalist design has been highly influenced by Japanese traditional design and architecture. In addition, the work

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Care – Architecture – Feminism

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Exclusive Histories, Unseen Narratives

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The Synagogue in Trenčín and Its AuthorsA Transformation of Architectural Traditions through Modernity

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The Return to the City towards the End of the Normalisation Period

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