Care – Architecture – Feminism

Liberated Space:Care – Architecture – Feminism121 September 2023 – 28 April 2024Bratislava City Gallery Curator: Petra HlaváčkováCurator of artistic interventions: Nicole SabellaGraphic design: Alina MatějováExhibition architecture: Janica Šipulová (Consequence Forma Architects), WOVEN The post Care – Architecture – Feminism appeared first on Architektúra & Urbanizmus - JOURNAL.

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Desatoro self-care, prečo je self-care rutina dôležitá a ako na ňu?

Duševné zdravie sa v našej spoločnosti stáva čoraz viac diskutovanou témou. Dôvodom je nárast ľudí s depresiami, poruchami príjmov potravy, vyhorením, stresom, úzkosťami a podobne. K duševnému zdraviu nám vie pomôcť self-care. Každý z nás bez ohľadu na ve

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Preservation Issues of Architecture from the Second Half of the Twentieth Century

Late Modernist architectural works are confronted with an ambivalent situation between heritage acknowledgement and physical destruction. The text aims to explain the growing interest in their protection as a natural evolution of monument preservation, ye

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Architecture and Czech Politics after 1989

The post Architecture and Czech Politics after 1989 appeared first on Architektúra & Urbanizmus - JOURNAL.

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Polish Modernism’s Essentialist ClaimThe Hansens and Open Form Architecture

This paper traces the continuities between the post-war Polish husband-and-wife architect duo of Oskar and Zofia Hansen, and their predecessors from the interwar avant-garde, the husband-and-wife artist duo of painter Władysław Strzemiński and sculptor Ka

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(Re)vision of Monument Care?

The post (Re)vision of Monument Care? appeared first on Architektúra & Urbanizmus - JOURNAL.

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