Architecture and Czech Politics after 1989

The post Architecture and Czech Politics after 1989 appeared first on Architektúra & Urbanizmus - JOURNAL.

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Care – Architecture – Feminism

Liberated Space:Care – Architecture – Feminism121 September 2023 – 28 April 2024Bratislava City Gallery Curator: Petra HlaváčkováCurator of artistic interventions: Nicole SabellaGraphic design: Alina MatějováExhibition architecture: Janica Šipulová (Co

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Preservation Issues of Architecture from the Second Half of the Twentieth Century

Late Modernist architectural works are confronted with an ambivalent situation between heritage acknowledgement and physical destruction. The text aims to explain the growing interest in their protection as a natural evolution of monument preservation, ye

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Exclusive Histories, Unseen Narratives

The canon is generally understood as a body of the most important personalities and key works in a particular field, and for various reasons it evokes an impression of objectivity and impartiality. But is it really objective, or does it exclude someone or

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7 kovov z CZECH OPEN 2021

Na turnaji v Prahe 30.10.2021 Czech Chanbara Open nás tento rok reprezentovali vzhľadom na pandemickú situáciu len dvaja športovci a spolu doniesli do Trenčína 7 medailí! Lukáš Bosák zároveň robil na turnaji aj rozhodcu. Lukáš Bosák: tate kodachi strieb

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23 medailí z Czech Chanbara Open 2022

Dňa 22.10.2022 sme cestovali do Prahy na turnaj CZECH CHANBARA OPEN. Skvelý turnaj, pohoda a dobrá atmosféra. Celkovo sme vybojovali 23 medailí (6x zlato, 10x striebro, 7x bronz) a 3. miesto v Teamoch. Výsledky: Patrik Kucharovic ZLATO a STRIEBRO Matoš J

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