Translation Services helping to break down language barriers

The argument as to whether or not language is innate is on-going even today, many think that the desire to communicate is in-built within us and there is plenty of evidence to support this theory. Regardless of whether language is innate or not, there is no question of the importance of language in society, in relationship building and in effectively accomplishing tasks it is invaluable. With the diverse world we live in there are many languages all around the globe and though English is quite popular, only approximately 10% of the world population actually speak it. Advancements of the internet has enabled more businesses and individuals to conduct their business on a global scale, reaching a wider target audience and in turn making their venture more successful. In order to accomplish this emphasis must be placed on language, limiting the languages your business can operate within is effectively a barrier in business. For example, if the business website is only available in English, this limits the target audience to approximately 10% of the world’s population maximum. Translation services With ineffective global communication becoming a problem for more and more businesses attempting to launch their services and/or products worldwide, there came the solution of translation services. Originally these services were used to translate pieces of literature between various languages, allowing them to be enjoyed by a wider audience. Following the industrial revolution translation services became more popular with many more documents being converted between languages. Now translation services are widely relied upon by businesses as it allows them to provide their services and website in a variety of languages, thus increasing their target audience vastly. The growth of the internet has positively impacted upon the need for translation services, as the demand for these services continue to increase with more businesses wanting to launch their multi-lingual website. There are two main types of translation services available today, the first is translation completed by computer, which is often imperfect with grammatical errors and is far from being high quality. The second type of translation service is provided by a company who hires bilingual and native speakers to manually complete the translation, ensuring a much more perfect conversion that reads more smoothly to the target audience. The second type of translation often has the added bonus of the translator having industry specific knowledge, therefore meaning the completed document or website is targeted correctly and your services/goods are advertised correctly. Translation services helping businesses There are an abundance of benefits for businesses when utilising translation services, these include but are not limited to: Having the ability to communicate to your target audience in their mother tongue, ensuring they accurately understand your goods/services and the aim of your business. Translation plays an important role in boosting the travel and tourism revenues of countries all around the globe. Understanding translation helps businesses to understand cultural differences between countries, allowing them to adapt. As well as providing employment opportunities, translation has also educated millions in language skills. Translation helps in industrialisation, technical translation in particular helps to bring together a variety of industries across a range of countries. The post Translation Services helping to break down language barriers appeared first on EP Translation Services.

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