AllAboutNFT e-book

We are proud that we are general partner in AllAboutNFT project and projects main output AllAboutNFT E-book is now free for download. The e-book discussess the legal, tax and accounting regulation of NFTs, including the following topics: How to digitize physical objects? Are NFTs considered virtual currencies in terms of tax regulations? What tax regime applies to income from the sale of NFTs? Tax optimization and NFTs How to account for NFT trades? What does it take to create and sell NFTs? Where can the NFTs be sold? What are the legal requirements for creating and trading NFTs? Does financial market regulation apply to NFTs? Is NFT a thing in the legal sense? What to be aware of from a legal point of view while creating an NFT? What to be aware of from a legal point of view while trading with NFTs? NFTs and intellectual property law Regulation on crypto-asset markets and its impact on the NFT area. Download e-book here The post AllAboutNFT e-book appeared first on Blockchain Slovakia.

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Save Queuing for Major Attractions: Book Tours in Advance

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March reviewed by Il Ponte

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Aj vaše dieťa trápi ekzém?

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